Friday, May 22, 2009

The Frog and Forgiveness

Last Saturday was moving day for Stephen and Kelley. They did not need Mason's bed so Stephen, James and Bert brought it over to put in the newly painted bedroom that I was fixing for the grand kids. Mason came with them and was playing with Jennifer in the play room. We heard a crash from that direction but I guess I was enjoying the conversation between James and Stephen (which is always entertaining). I figured whatever it was Jennifer could handle it, especially since crying was not involved.

A few minutes later Jennifer called me into the playroom and said,"Mason has something to tell you. Go ahead, you can tell Grandma". At that point I could tell this was pretty serious since he was sitting on the floor with his head down. I sat down on the floor beside him and took the toy out of his hand and told him to look at me. In a very quiet voice he said," I threw the ball and I broke your frog". At that moment I felt God all over me, for a lack of a better description). Here it was, one of those life lessons. Not just for Mason, but for me as well. Yes, the ceramic frog with a pipe was painted by Bert 20 years ago was special, but not as special as the precious, repentive spirit I saw in front of me that was now waiting to see what kind of justice was going to be handed out for his deed. He melted my heart.

I realized that how I handled this situation would impact how Mason would respond to future acts of wrong doing . I had already shown I cared about what he had to say by getting on his level on the floor. Mason knew not to throw the ball in the house, but being 3 years old sometimes you just don't have self control.

What would Jesus do if it were me? It was me and you! I know what not to do and say, but my lack of self control causes me sin as well, and I'm not 3. And God does hear me when I quietly confess to Him. In fact He comes down to me.

This was a chance to show God's love and forgiveness just as God does for me. God does not stand over me and brow beat me with words of condemnation but shows grace. He wraps His arms around me and says," I forgive you and remember no more."

That's what I did. I gave Mason a big Grandma hug and told him he did the right thing by telling the truth. The smile I got was priceless.

I didn't share this story with you to boast about how I handled this situation but to say to all you parents," I wish I had known then (when my kids were little) what I know now. When you look at that rebellious little face that tells you, "No", stop and think about how many times you have done the same with God. How does God treat you? Remember, our kids perception of God is formed by what they see in us.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Two Wonderful Mothers

I haven't known them all their life, but I imagine their childhood was like most little girls since I know what kind of home life they both came from. Time spent playing dress up with mom's clothes and makeup, tea parties, and playing make believe with their doll and doll houses. Dreaming of one day when they will become mothers. Along the way life preparing them for their future. They came into my life as teenagers, young women. Volleyball became a popular sport in our home along with weekly youth Bible study. I often wondered as a mother, who are these girls that have captured the interest, time and brains of my boys.
Two beautiful blonde's!!!!! Totally different in personalities, but then so are my boys. One girl has a calming, gentle quietness about her. The other knows how to light up a room. They were beautiful brides.
They have given me the privilege of seeing their babies being born. I saw them cry out as they fought to bring new life to our family. I've seen them make unselfish sacrifices for their families. I've seen them work tirelessly to make a home for my boys. I've seen them be baptized and how they seek and serve God. I've seen their patience when dealing with the children and stressful situations. They discipline and teach with love.

Over the years I have gotten to know who these girls really are.
They are the ones who come when they are needed. They are the ones who hug when I cry. They are the ones who bring chocolate brownie ice cream when I go through tough times. They are the ones who complete my sons. They are the ones who pray for me. They are the ones who hold my grandchildren in quiet times. They are my daughters.....................


Monday, May 4, 2009

Worst Date

I have finally experienced the second worse date of our 38 years, (second only to the dart fiasco, but that is a whole other story). We don't often have the opportunity to just relax to a sit down waitress served meal. Just the two of us with "no cell phones".
But after Bert made his last "cell phone" call as I was being seated by myself we were set for for a quiet relaxed dinner at a Greek Restaurant. There were TVs all around for your enjoyment and this particular night was game 5 of the Celtics-Bulls basketball game which I would stare at from time to time just to see who was winning. Not Bert (he could not see the game through his glasses) but he was also taping the game at home. He did ask me how much time was left in the game which was 52 seconds. At which point he said, "I'm going to wait for you in the car while you finish your meal, can you take care of the bill?" I followed with "why" and "how come". His response - "I might see who won or someone might yell out the score".

Your kidding....... was my next thought. I still had food to eat and I thought I would try some baklava (I've never had that before). The waitress came back and asked if Bert was through eating so she could take his plate and jokingly asked did he leave you with the bill? So here I sit in this nice restaurant eating the rest of my meal by myself, paying the bill, getting my baklava to go so that my husband won't hear any of the basketball game that he was going home to watch, in his favorite chair, which he would fall asleep in after 5 minutes. Really!!!!!!!!!! I forgive you Bert!