Wednesday, November 18, 2015


I wrestle with contentment hourly.  Maybe you do too.  We live in a world of comparison and measuring up.  Magazines, TV, internet and even friends are blasting our minds with images of things we can't live without or ways we need to be.  Faster phones, fashionable clothes, a skinnier body, bigger TV's, new cars, and wrinkle free faces.

What's the motive behind all of it?They want us to spend our money to guarantee contentment.  They are saying be discontent with what you have, you need more, and your not measuring up.The fruits of all this is feeling insecure, feeling self conscious and self doubting.

It's no secret, I love purses.  I like colors.  I like compartments, dividers and hidden pockets.  Seeing as ad for a purse with all the things I like and I am immediately thinking when shall I make time to go and get this new purse.  Tomorrow, that sounds good.  There is an urgency to pursue this new purse in the store.  There it is on the shelf with a price tag of $199.00.  Disappointment sets in and a reality check says, "I could bless a lot of people for that."

Now just for the record, the most I have spent on a purse is $35.00.  I can't tell you which one it is, what it looks like, or how many compartments it has.  Probably tells me I did not need it after all. 

We moved to Prescott a year ago and I found it quite freeing.  It doesn't matter what your hair or clothes look like, anything goes.  It doesn't matter if your car has dents.  It doesn't matter what kind of pet you have.  I could have a pig, turkey or chicken.  They still wave or say hello.

Bottom line is measuring up to others or the world, is a prison meant to keep us discontent. The only thing in life we should be discontent with is our spiritual life.  Discontent with the time we spend in God's word.  Discontent with the lack of urgency to get on our knees before God and intercede for others.  Discontent when we miss an opportunity to bless someone or share the message of Jesus.  Discontent when we are not hearing God.

Dear Heavenly Father,
As we celebrate Thanksgiving make us mindful of our worth in your eyes.  Thank you that we don't have to measure up to be loved by you.  Help us to be content with all you have blessed us with and show us ways to be a blessing to others. 

Sorry this is so long.  God placed this on my heart this morning for me to look for areas in my own life that need attention.   HAPPY THANKSGIVING FRIENDS AND FAMILY !!!!!