Monday, April 6, 2009

God's Beauty

It's always amazing to me how once in the spring time my roses break forth with massive beauty. They survived even though my irrigation system was not watering them for two weeks during the brutal summer heat. They always barely seem to make it through the summer anyway looking weak with dead limbs and dried leaves. But every December I trim them down to mere stalks and remove all the dead leaves. I give them fertilizer and extra water. I even coat the newly formed buds and leaves with insecticide to make sure the new growth is not harmed. Until finally I get to see the beauty.
Isn't that how God takes care of us. He's there through the Holy Spirit even though we don't feel like He is. He wraps His arms around us when we are going through the rough times and we feel like my roses look in the summer. He uses His word to trim and prune our life. He feeds us from living water and He covers us with His blood so we have forgiveness.
To all my family and friends, have a blessed Easter and expect great things to happen during Passover and Easter.

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