Friday, June 19, 2009

The Father's I Know

It's hard to believe that 25 years ago June 16th (the day before Father's Day) that my father died. Briefly put he was strict, controlling, intimidating, loving and caring. He was proud of his girls and even prouder of his grandchildren.

When a teenage boy named Bert came to take away one of his daughters, my Dad became a mentor, best friend and father to Bert. In 1979, Bert began his job as a father. Many memories are precious to me as I think back on his time spent with James, Stephen, and Jennifer. Mattress night, date night, Indian Guides, bike rides, reading books before bedtime and many, many baseball games. He showed them by example how to love others, how to pray and taught them to love God.

My sons have now become amazing christian fathers. They are passing on all the qualities and strengths from past fathers.

There is a father who has adopted all of us. He gave up His son so we could have forgiveness, peace and eternal life. In Romans 8:15-17 it says, "we received God's spirit when He adopted you and me as His own children. Now we can call him Abba Father. We are heirs of God's glory". Gal 4:6 say, "because we are His children, God has sent the Spirit of His son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, Abba, Father". He is compassionate, caring, patient,kind,forgiving, keeps His promises and is a good listener. He sees our tears and picks us up when we fall. He loves us unconditionally. What a Father!!!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

Kelley said...

Great Pics. You know I kept looking at the date on the 16th knowing it was something important....I am sorry I dident acknowledge it to you. We are blessed with incredible fathers arent we. Love ya, kell